Health and Fitness

Stair Climbing Up To A Healthier Life – Know about them

If you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, and there’s not that many good walking or jogging areas in your region, it may be time to try a more vertical form of exercise. The simple act of walking up and down stairs, which many of us do unthinkingly whenever elevators aren’t available, can serve as an excellent way to improve your stamina and work out your leg muscles.

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And it’s an extremely accessible exercise, since it can be done in any building where there are stairs, even your own home. If you’re longing for a more epic backdrop for your routine, you can even try an empty stadium or a monument.

Stairs are everywhere, they’re absolutely free, and they don’t care what time of the day you go walking up and down them! What’s not to like about something just as good as a professional stepping machine that doesn’t cost you a dime?

Stair climbing primarily offers benefits to cardio stamina and general muscular endurance, allowing you to exert yourself more for less effort over time. It’s also easy to scale up or down so you challenge yourself just the right amount, not too little or too much.

Being low-impact and generally quite safe when scaled appropriately to the stepper, this exercise will work the quads, buttocks, and of course the heart. For those of you who are troubled by weak legs or chunky thighs, stair stepping is an ideal solution.

Because stair climbing utilizes gravity and your weight against it, it’s incredibly effective at burning calories for the time invested. And if the weather or environment outside is less than appealing, there’s always interior stairs, to enjoy climate control and good lighting with your exercise.

One way to easily fit stair climbing into your routine is to make use of the stairs at your place of employment. After you’re done working for the day, hit the stairs for a workout before you head on home.

To avoid needless stress and potential injuries, you should make sure to stretch your legs and do a few minutes of walking before you start any given stair climbing session. This will keep your body limber and ready to tackle the challenge to pump you up.

For newcomers to stair climbing, it’s recommended to walk for ten minutes or so after doing a few flights of stairs to allow your body time to recover from the exertion. Every week you can add on a few more minutes to the stairs portion of the routine, watching your body improve in stamina as you step up against gravity with unstrained breathing.

Of course, you should always make sure to wear appropriate shoes for stair climbing! Your shoes should be comfortable but also give support more than the average running shoes, helping your steps spring naturally without getting in your way or slowing you down.

Stair climbing can be a demanding exercise in surprisingly short intervals, so you should keep yourself well hydrated. Don’t stair climb while hungry, either, as the distraction of your stomach may cause you to miss a step with unpleasant consequences.

Remember to train yourself within your practical limitations, or you’ll do more harm than good. This means that if you notice any undesired side effects, such as dizziness or disorientation, you should immediately stop and rest.

One easy mistake of step climbing amateurs is to leave their heel resting off the edge of each step. You should avoid this whenever possible, as not having your entire foot on a step will result in needless and potentially harmful strain on the tendons at the backs of your ankles.

By following these easy tips, you can efficiently use tiny bits of time in your schedule to make huge improvements in your body and quality of life. Don’t be afraid to give stair climbing a try.

Ernestina Chacko is a writer and a photographer. Before joining, she was a senior contributor at Bloomberg USA.